Herniated disk

What’s a herniated disk?

A herniated disc is characterized by a displacement of part of the gelatinous core of the intervertebral disc outside of its fibrous ring (ligament structure). The hernia can compress adjacent structures, such as the nerve. This can produce sciatica (lower limb discomfort) or brachial neuralgia (upper limb pain). Sustained and/or strong compression of a nerve can cause pain, numbness and weakness.

A herniated disc can have different names; bulging, protruding or extruding are commonly used terms. Regardless of the degree of severity of the herniated disc, it is important to note that 98% of disc problems can be managed by conservative treatment methods whether that be physiotherapy or medication.

What are the most common signs and symptoms of a herniated disc?

  • Pain irradiating from the neck or back towards a limb

  • Tingling feeling or paresthesia in the arms or legs.

  • Loss of spontaneous force in the arms or legs

  • Increase in pain during a bowel movement

What causes a herniated disc?

Even if we often associate disc injuries with heavy lifting tasks, the causes of a herniated disc are numerous and vary from one person to another.

Physiotherapists are there for you!

In the event of a herniated disc the professionals at PhysioOutaouais are there for you! According to limitations discovered during the course of your evaluation there are many treatments possible: mechanical traction, exercises using corrective mechanical directional movements, reinforcement of the trunk muscles, postural education, mobilizations, manipulations and neural mobility exercises.

For these cases, the treatment options are vast and depend upon your clinical presentation. Regardless of the severity, professionals are there to guide you on the path to healing!

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