
What is capsulitis?

Capsulitis or “frozen shoulder” is inflammation of the membrane which surrounds the shoulder joint. The capsule retracts and thickens, gradually causing pain and a progressive loss of movement.

What are the most common signs and symptoms of capsulitis?

  • Initial significant, constant pain which then becomes intermittent
  • Loss of mobility with pain during shoulder movements over several planes of motion
  • Unable to sleep on the affected side

What causes capsulitis?

The exact cause of capsulitis remains unknown, however, certain medical conditions which cause pain and loss of movement in the shoulder tend to precede its appearance. For example, prolonged immobilization following a shoulder fracture or surgery, or other shoulder disorder such as, tendinitis, bursitis or rupture of the rotator cuff.

Physiotherapists are there for you!

Using mobilizations and shoulder exercises, the professionals at PhysioOutaouais will be able to help you recover your mobility so you may resume your activities without restrictions.

When will we see you?

The professionals at PhysioOutaouais will be able to help you recover your mobility.

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