Back and neck pain

What are back and neck pain?

Cervicalgia / dorsalgia/ lumbar pain

Pain situated in the cervical, dorsal or lumbar spinal areas can originate from different sources such as the intervertebral disk, articular facets or even from poor posture and mechanics. This type of pain limits us in our daily lives. It may appear locally or radiate to upper and lower limbs.  From 50 to 80% of the population reports pain emanating from the spinal region at least once in their lifetime, and 40% will have pain at least once a year.

What are the most common signs and symptoms of back and neck pain?

  • Localized pain which may be accompanied by pain in the arms (cervical) or in the legs (lumbar)
  • Decrease in mobility
  • Numbness or tingling in the arms or legs (sciatic nerve)
  • Increase in pain with certain movements or prolonged positions

What causes back or neck pain?

Back and neck pain may be caused by a trauma, a fall, a false move, poor lifting technique or poor working posture to name but a few. Certain factors can predispose you to back pain such as a history of pain, heavy and frequent lifting, vibration, an antecedent of pain as well as poor postural hygiene.

Physiotherapists are there for you!

Several approaches exist for treating back and neck pain. The team at PhysioOutaouais is capable of helping you. Following an evaluation, they will be able to select the best approach for your situation, therefore helping you to heal and return to your activities in full health.

When will we see you?

Several approaches exist for treating back and neck pain. The team at PhysioOutaouais is capable of helping you.

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