
What is a concussion?

A concussion is the most frequent  and least severe form of cranial injuries. It is generally caused by a hit, a deceleration or a strong compression on the skull, all of which result in movement of the brain inside the head. As a consequence, damage to the nerves occurs, more specifically, a stretching of the axons. 

What are the most common signs and symptoms of a concussion?

  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Temporary memory loss
  • Vision problems
  • Confusion accompanied by headaches
  • Neck problems, balance problems

How do we treat a concussion?

Rehabilitation from a concussion goes much further than merely resting afterwards. An early intervention by expert physiotherapists with advanced training will ensure:

  • a full and rapid recovery
  • a safe return to sports and work

We also offer:

  • the most complete *Baseline* tests
  • FREE training for coaches and team personnel

PhysioOutaouais is a leader in the area of concussions. Consult the physiotherapy experts in concussion management.

(In collaboration with CCMI)

When will we see you?

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